SuperCat's Favorite Links:
Listed below are SuperCat's favourite links and websites.
Take time to explore the various sites of SuperCat Racing, the Formula One of Surf Extreme Sports. Click on SuperCat to go directly to the Members Club site.
Remember: We look forward to receiving your emails regarding our sport. Please feel free to contact us anytime with comments about our websites, racing, or if you require additional information, just contact us below.
You can also use the additional search engines to find out more about SuperCat Racing.
SuperCat Racing
For information on SuperCat racing, Clubs and contacts.
SuperCat Racing Members Club The official SuperCat Members site. keep up to date with New Zealand Racing.
GoogleThe No1 search engine on the net.
Fotoaction.comSome of the best action photography of the sport!
performanceinflatables.comKeep up to date with International News and Events with one of the most comprehensive inflatable boat racing websites available. See how the rest of the world are getting on.
Yamaha New ZealandThe Official Outboard for the Gemini SuperCat.
Gemini Boats
Contact the distributors for all enquiries, pricing etc..
SuperCat Racing Promoters
SuperCat Racing Promoters pages. News updates and more.
SuperCat Fan Club
SuperCat's official page. Monthly prize draws for the kids and news updates on promotions over the Summer months.
International Contacts
Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
SuperCat Members Club
Free membership to the Official SuperCat Members Club.